Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Social Integration Process of Complex Society (A study on Landono Society)


Research title “Social Integration Process of Complex Society (A study on Landono Society)”.
This explanatory study aims to know empirically about the social integrasi process of complex cociet in District of Landono of South Konawe Regency as the representation of complex society’s life in Indonesia.  In particular, it aims to know deeper about the picture of social integration process in a society, its supporting factors and its barriers as well as the effort in improving the social integration in Landono.
This descriptive qualitative, by using phenomenological and functional structural approach, focused on the process of society’s social life in terms of integration among Tolakinese as the indigenous ethnic, transmigrant society and other newcomers in the district.  Data was collected through in-depth structured interview, observation and documentation.
This study found that (1) The society in District of Landono, the blend of Tolakinese, Javanese and Balinese transmigrants and other newcomers, is the realization of complex society which consists of various ethnic, religion, language and culture.  (2) Integration process of complex society in Landono is influenced by the following factors (a) Cultural factor which is rooted from nation cultural values as stated in Pancasila values (b) Familial relationship through inter-ethnic marriage (c) Society’s obedience to the government officials so that ethnical issue can be neutralized by local wisdom tradition (3) Conflict is considered as the barrier in society’s integration process in District of Landono (4) In improving society’s social integration, Local government socialized Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Regional Affairs’ Decree No. 9 Year 2006 and No. 8 Year 2006 about maintaining tolerance through social and cultural system approach that can lead to harmonious life of people in District of Landono.
Based the result of the study, it can be concluded that people in District of Landono can integrate well in the complexity of life in that society.

Keywords : Social Integration and Complex Society.

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